SNN (SexXxperience Naked News) - Pandy Tereshkova interviews Š M Д UG


Pandy Tereshkova: I am here with new porn sensation, Smaug,

Š M Д U: is good can talking for you magazine

Pandy Tereshkova: tell me, what is the most unexpected thing you have found with this work?

Š M Д U: well there was a day that we were filming but the scene got too hot and we went beyond the story smiles

Pandy Tereshkova: got too hot? how does a porn scene get too hot?

Š M Д U: with the chemistry between the two actors as they begin with the scenes that flow at each time and you forget about the script

Pandy Tereshkova: that must have been quite frustrating for the director, Who was your co-star for that scene?

Š M Д U: I prefer to leave it anonymous. I don't like to say names. In this case, it was somewhat problematic for the director, but it did help to avoid doing it again

Pandy Tereshkova: how do you avoid from getting too hot in a scene?

Š M Д U: Well, now I control myself more. I prefer that we both enjoy the scene but that it be all professional without going to extremes than if there wasn't a camera in front of us and we both agree

Pandy Tereshkova: that sounds very level headed of you

Š M Д U: The interview was good I liked the questions I hope to continue in another interview thanks

Š M Д U: see you

Pandy Tereshkova: And that was Smaug, and this is Pandy Tereshkova

Pandy Tereshkova: for the SexXxperience Naked News


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